In this household

Ahmad Ayyash
2 min read3 days ago


Photo by Martin Dalsgaard on Unsplash

in this household, we tend not to hold onto anything.

Onto nothing but ourselves

in this household, we tend not to talk about feelings.

we grew up with silence as our mother tongue.

we mourn in silence,

we rejoice in silence,

we regret in silence,

we throw out wrath in silence,

we were disappointed and we fell silent.

in this household, we tend not to walk into each other’s business.

however, with a huge lump in our throats,

we’re still manage to play hide and seek.

i hid the pen,

they seek the truth to be tore.

i hide the pain,

they were lying bare in front of my bedroom door.

i hide right under my veins

and i shrieked while mending wounds on the bleak bathroom floor.

in this household, we tend not to unravel grief and put up an act within four walls around the house.

we screamed so loud that all we heard were a whisper of misery vow.

we cried so hard that the only thing streaming down our faces was a series of tale of woe.

we bury ourselves in chimera that we have left was nothing but mask to borrow.

in this household, we tend not to fall asleep unless upon the damp pillow

with a heavy heart.

just to wake up facing death hanging low;

that there is no home in this house we tend to hold.

in this household, we tend not to hold onto anything.

Onto anything but ourselves.



Ahmad Ayyash

I'm Ayyash, a poet on a mission to heal souls with words. Through my verses, I embrace my scars and aim to inspire others to find pride in their own and heal.